Friday, December 26, 2014

Clutch Repair and Your Car or Truck

There is a big difference between a manual transmission and an automatic transmission.  While both types of vehicles need repair sooner or later, not every car needs clutch repair.  
If you need Auto  Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500
If you need Auto Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500

Who Needs Clutch Repair?

Who needs clutch repair?   Well, not all vehicles need it for sure.  While they're not that common, there are still vehicles that are made with a manual transmission.  Europeans love them for example, and over there, it is a lot rarer to find an automatic than a a manual.  Clutches are found on vehicles that do not have an automatic transmission, obviously. A lot of people assume that automatic transmissions are in each and every car around, but they're not. Look at sports cars by way of example. A lot of sports cars have clutches instead of automatic transmissions.
What is the way to  tell if your car has a clutch?  Simple. take a look at your gear shift. A manual transmission except for park and reverse is all numeric.  An automatic transmission, however, has an alphanumeric sequence.  You'll see automatic transmissions with labels such as P (Park), R (Reverse), D (Drive), 1( 1st Gear) and so on.. Still in doubt?  Count your pedals. A car with automatic transmission will have only two pedals on the floor, namely the gas pedal and the brake.  A car with manual transmission or a clutch will  have three pedals, the left most of which is your clutch.  Yet another way to tell is the position of the gear shift.  You will never see a manual transmission mounted on a steering wheel.  Other than how they're labeled, how many pedals they have, and where the gear shift is, what's the difference between them?  

What's the Difference in Transmissions?

An automatic transmission is well, automatic. You only shift gears very infrequently.   A manual transmission, on the other hand, requires you to shift a lot more.  For example, if you're increasing your speed, unless you've already reached fourth gear requires you to shift gears as you speed up, and again when you slow down.  A good way to remember it is CSR, which stands for Clutch, Shift, and Release.  If you have a car with a manual transmission, you press the clutch pedal down, shift gears, and then release your clutch.  
If you have a clutch, take care of it.  Get it in to a shop that does clutch repair in Peoria.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
More Info

Friday, December 19, 2014

Auto Repair Tips for Older Cars (Contd.)

Here are some more auto repair tips, particularly where saving gasoline is concerned.
If you need Auto  Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500
If you need Auto Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500

Gas Saving Auto Repair Tips

As your auto repair shop in Peoria, we thought you might like to save a bit of cash this holiday season.  And what costs a lot, even with recent price drops?  Why gasoline of course.
First off, as we covered in a previous article, never let your low fuel light come on.  You can potentially cause a lot of damage to your fuel pump.  But back to saving gas. With that in mind, here are some more gas saving tips from ASE.COM:
"Observe speed limits. Speeding decreases your miles per gallon.
Drive gently. Sudden accelerations guzzle gas. Anticipate traffic patterns ahead and adjust your speed gradually.
Use windows and air conditioning wisely. Your mileage should improve if you keep the windows closed at highway speeds, since air drag is reduced. This is true even with the air conditioning on-assuming that the system is in good working order. But turn the air conditioning off in stop-and-go traffic to save fuel.
Keep your engine "tuned up." A well-maintained engine operates at peak efficiency, maximizing gas mileage. Follow the service schedules listed in the owner's manual. Replace filters and fluids as recommended; have engine performance problems (rough idling, poor acceleration, etc.) corrected at a repair facility. Given today's high-tech engines, it's wise to have this type of work done by auto technicians who are ASE certified in engine performance.
These conservation tips will not only save gasoline, they'll help extend the life of your vehicle. Win-win, indeed." [READ SOURCE]
This holiday season, we also want to advise you to use caution.   People get distracted and are often in a hurry.  As a result, there are a lot of traffic accidents on the road this time of year. Stay safe for yourself and for your loved ones.  On the issue of safety, there is a repair that you should consider doing at certain mile marks

Brake Repair and Your Car

You want to make sure you get your brakes looked at every 5,000 miles or so.  You do not want to wear your brakes down to the point that they are grinding, because what could have been a $99 brake job may end up costing you  several hundred dollars in repair costs, and down time for your car.
So remember stay safe and be smart.  Get your car serviced per your owner's manual.  And from your auto repair shop in Peoria, have a save and happy holiday season. 

Transmission Center

8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Auto Repair Peoria

Friday, December 12, 2014

Auto Repair Tips for Older Cars

A lot of people have new or newer model cars in need of auto repair, but what about older vehicles?
Get auto repair in Peoria AZ | 623-875-9500
Get auto repair in Peoria AZ | 623-875-9500

Auto Repair Myths and Tips

There is a myth floating around that if a cold has a lot of miles on it that it is not as good as a newer model car.  That isn't the case however, or more accurately it all depends on the car or truck in question.  For example, some Japanese cars such as Toyotas and Nissans don't even hit their stride until about 100,000 miles.  There are older model Toyotas and Nissans still on the road today that were new in the 1970's, and with well over a million miles on them. Ultimately, a car's actual mileage only matters with how well it's been maintained.  A car that has had scheduled auto service done on it like clockwork can easily outlast a newer car that the owner was lax about maintenance.  That's why scheduled auto maintenance is so incredibly important.
As we covered in a previous article, every car has a set series of steps that you have to take to keep them maintained.  Oil changes every 5,000 miles, batteries in Arizona: every three years, and so forth. However, it isn't just mileage marks you want to take note of.  Every now and then, check the tread on your tires.  If your tread is wearing thin,  you want to replace your tires before they are bald.  A bald tire is one that has the tread worn down to being non-existent.  You also want to make sure that you top off the air in your tires to make sure they're inflated to the proper PSI. Get yourself a tire gauge.  They're not too much money, and sometimes can even be found at a dollar store.   But what about auto repair tips?

Auto Repair Tips

From the Automotive Service Excellence web page, here are some tips to save some gas:
Monitor tires. Under inflated tires or poorly aligned wheels waste fuel by forcing the engine to work harder. (Let the tires cool down before checking the air pressure.) Out-of-line wheels, as evidenced by uneven tread wear, should be aligned by a professional.
Remove excess weight. Remove unnecessary items from the vehicle. Store only essentials in the trunk. Less weight means better mileage.
Consolidate trips and errands. Some trips may be unnecessary. Also, try to travel when traffic is light so you can avoid stop-and-go conditions.
Avoid excessive idling. Shut off the engine while waiting for friends and family.  [READ MORE]
So remember, your car has needs, just like you do.  So keep up your maintenance schedule, and get into an auto repair shop in Peoria, AZ to do it.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Auto Repair Peoria

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mileage Markers and Your Auto Repair Shop

There are several points in the life of your car that you should be getting into an auto repair shop.  When is that?  Well, you need to open a book that most people never even crack: their car or truck's owner's manual.
Get auto repair in Phoenix | 623-875-9500
Get auto repair in Peoria  | 623-875-9500

What Are Typical Mile Markers for Auto Repair?

What are typical mile markers for auto repair?  First off, always remember, that mile markers vary between makes and models of cars.  When in doubt, consult your owner's manual.
For example, every 5,000 miles, you want to get an oil change done.  This is the most common form of service for pretty much every car.  Changing your oil every 5,000 miles is vital  for keeping the parts of your engine lubricated and working together perfectly.  You also want to check your tires as well as your brakes every 5,000 miles as well.  While it is important to check these based on your mileage, with Arizona, there is a repair that is tied to time as opposed to mileage, however.
You want to change your car battery every three years.  The extreme environment of Arizona can literally bake the moisture right out of your battery.  The next mile marker is at 30,000 miles.

Scheduled Auto Service:  30,000 Miles and More

What happens at your 30,000 miles?  Well, you want to look at getting a tune up.  It's also a great time to have your belts and hoses checked, as well as replacing your car or truck's fluids.  At 50,000 miles, you want to have your shock and struts looked at, as well as the seals.  At 60,000 miles it is time to replace your car's timing belts replaced.  70,000 miles is time to replace your water pump as well as your fuel pump.  On the subject of fuel pumps, make sure that you don't let your car's low fuel light come in.  Make sure to put gasoline in your car before this light comes on.  The more you delay getting gas the more likely you are to damage your fuel pump.  You want to be diligent on your maintenance schedule.
While we hope that this guide is helpful to you, again, don't count on it 100%.  Instead, you want to look over your car or truck's manual to see your manufacturer's timeline.  Another thing that you want to think about is that scheduled auto maintenance is usually not as expensive as a full blown auto repair.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Auto Repair Peoria

Friday, November 28, 2014

Go to a Pro for Manual Transmission Repair (Contd.)

There are several benefits to calling a professional mechanic for manual transmission repair.
Get Your Car's transmission repaired| 623-875-9500
Get Your Car's transmission repaired| 623-875-9500

Auto Mechanics: Knowledge and Skill

In our last article, we covered the important issue of how much it may cost to fix a manual transmission.
Benefits of working with a professional on your manual transmission include a good level of service. Having a professional handle your manual transmission comes with a myriad of advantages. These advantages all come as a result of the quality care and repair that your transmission will enjoy. You manual transmission will have access to the right parts, right equipment, and the rights skill set that whichever repair you need require. Professionals unlike other mechanics have both the theoretical and practical understanding of the manual transmission. With this extensive knowledge, they are able to handle any type of manual transmission repair even if they have never handled such a situation.
Having a professional to look at your transmission is not only effective but believe it or not it is also cost efficient. It will cost you less to run your machine after a professional has handled it because it will get the right care and attention that it requires even post repair. Professionals give attention to detail and will therefore have your machine repaired even for future damages that have not occurred yet.

Your Local Auto Repair Shop:  We Can Do It!

Working with an auto repair shop means that whichever repair that you need can be handled. Unlike unprofessional technicians who will blanket the issues in the event the needed skills to make it happen exceeds their expertise, professionals consult. Professionals come together in bodies that help them handle the various challenges that they face all the time. They even have links to the manufacturers of the machines. This way, they have access to a wealth of information that is unlimited to their experience and training.
Having your manual transmission have the attention of a professional means that you have access quality customer service, post repair advice, and the best diagnostic tools in the market. One issue with professionals is that they always have to be up to date with the changes in technology. All the professional bodies organize for seminars that are aimed at keeping the skills of their members to be up to date with the changes in trends. Your machine will have access to a myriad of advantages that come with professional care.
A machine is as good as the type of care that it gets. The transmission will last as long as he type of care that it has and the repair that it gets in the event that it breaks down. It is important to seek the skills of a professional in the event of a break down, particularly where transmission repair is concerned.
Read more on this subject here.
Transmission Center
4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033
Get Transmission Repair in Phoenix

Friday, November 21, 2014

Go to a Pro for Manual Transmission Repair

Manual transmission repair is a delicate process. It is the core of the running of the engine. The mechanics that enable the machine to operate determines how heavy the engine will feel its load and the efficiency of the transfer of the performance to movement. You cannot operate on an awful manual transmission. Running the car will be expensive because it will cost you more to do less and sooner or later you will need another repair and your vehicle will not perform as it should. It is important that a professional handle the repair of your transmission.

Manual Transmission Repair: Hire a Pro

If you need Transmission Repair in Glendale, Call us Today 623-875-9500
If you need Transmission Repair in Glendale, Call us Today 623-875-9500

Where manual transmission repair is concerned, there are many technicians that claim to be professionals. Some of them are merely experienced to repair manual transmission and have no background training on these mechanisms. This may be dangerous for you.
A professional technician that can truly fix a manual transmission is one who understands the system. The person must have undergone the necessary training. The best professional is one that is an expert in the type of machine that you operate. They may cost more but they are economical at the end of the day.
To ensure that your machine is handled by a skilled technician, you should visit a dealer who specializes in the type of machine that you run. These professionals will have the right equipment that they need to handle you manual transmission. They also understand the parameters of operation of the transmission and have the necessary genuine spare parts that will be required in case replacement is needed.
The other way of getting hold of a professional to work on your machine is through referrals. Look someone who knows issues that relate to transmission. You may even ask your ordinary mechanic of the best place with real professionals who can work on you manual transmission. You should be able to get a competent professional to do the work for you. Inquire more on the type of service to expect.

Manual Transmission Repair and Some Final Points to Consider

First off, make sure that they can repair your manual transmission in house.  If it has to be sent out, it will add to your repair bill.  While we will cover more in a future article, hopefully this will give you some idea of what to look for where manual transmission repair is concerned.
Read more about manual transmission repair

Transmission Center

4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033
Get Transmission Repair in Phoenix

Friday, November 14, 2014

Clutch and Differential Repair: A Survey of Automobile Systems

Do you need clutch repair?  Do you need differential repair?  How can you tell if you have an automatic transmission or a manual one?  All good questions...
Need transmission repair?  Give us a call 623-875-9500
Need transmission repair? Give us a call 623-875-9500

Who Needs Clutch Repair?

Do you need clutch repair?  Well, first off, you must know if you have a clutch or not.  Do you need differential repair?  All cars do. How can you tell if you have an automatic transmission or a manual one?  It's all in the arrangement of your car's cabin.  Confused?  Don't be.  First off, how do you know if you have a clutch or manual transmission?  Count your pedals.  If you have a manual transmission, you'll have a clutch pedal to the left of your brake, making the number of petals that you have equal three.  Another way to tell if you have a manual transmission as opposed to an automatic one is to look at your gearshift.  In the old days, cars with manual transmissions had the gearshift on the floor, away from the steering wheel, however, you can't go by that anymore.
Modern car makers make cars with the gear shift floor-mounted for a more sports-car type feel.  However, you will never find a manual transmission with the gear shift on the steering wheel.  Yet, your gear shift can also give you a clue.  An automatic transmission is mostly alpha with a couple of numeric settings.  Example:  P R D 2 L.  A manual transmission on the other hand is completely numeric with just one letter.  A manual transmission would look like this:  1 2 3 4 R  So there you have it. If your car has an alpha-based gear shift, you've got an automatic.  If you have a number-based gear shift, you've got a manual.  But what about differential repair?

Differential Repair

Your car's differential transfers power from the outer wheels to the inner wheels during a turn.  It helps your power steering and transmission (whether manual or automatic) to work together, and it serves as a bridge between the two systems. If your differential isn't working, turns are going to be rough.  So regardless of whether you have an automatic transmission or a manual transmission, you'll need differential repair sooner or later.
Ultimately, you will need to take your car in.  While manuals need less repairs than automatics, they are still cars and need regular service as well as  their automatic cousins.  So remember, you want to take your car into a full-service auto repair shop in Phoenix to save yourself some time and money.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Contact Us

Friday, November 7, 2014

Automobile Electrical Systems (Contd.)

If you need auto electrical repair, remember that your electrical system is just that: a system.  As such, there are a lot of wires that are present in your car...
Auto electrical system repair | 623-849-9392
Auto electrical system repair | 623-849-9392

Auto Electrical Repair and Wiring

Your car has a lot of wires as part of it's electrical system.  But how do you know which wire is which.  Open your car's hood and you will see a bewildering collection of them.  However, according to the How Cars Work website...
"Wire and cable sizes are classified by the maximum amperage that they can carry safely. A complex network of wires runs through the car. To avoid confusion, each wire is colour coded (but only within the car: there is no national or international system of colour-coding). Most car handbooks and service manuals include a wiring diagram which can be difficult to follow.The colour-coding, however, is a useful guide to tracing wiring. Where wires run side-by-side they are bound together in a bundle, in a plastic or fabric sheath, to keep them tidy and less difficult to fit. This bundle of wires stretches over the length of the car, with single wires or small groups of wires emerging where necessary, and is called the wiring loom. Modern cars often need room for many wires in confined spaces. Some manufacturers now use printed circuits instead of bundles of wires, particularly at the rear of the instrument panel. Printed circuits are plastic sheets on which copper tracks have been 'printed'. Components are plugged directly into the tracks. A few modern cars have flexible printed circuits. The copper tracks are printed in ribbons of flexible plastic, which replace the whole wiring system." [READ MORE]
Why are there so many wires in your car?  Well, modern cars are a lot more sophisticated with dozens of computer modules.

Auto Electrical Repair: What You Should Know

Your car's computer modules control a lot of functions of your car.  Your fuel pump?  Computerized.  Your transmission and differential?  Computerized.  Your ignition system?  Computerized.  And when we speak of computers we're not referring to a laptop or a computer.  Most automobile computer modules are fairly simple as them control only a set series of functions.  However, they are interconnected, forming in a way, a computer network.
So remember, your car is complex.  If you don't know what you're doing, there can be a big learning curve.  So call your auto repair shop in Phoenix for any questions you may have or take your car in immediately.
Transmission Center
4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033

Friday, October 31, 2014

Automobile Electrical Systems

Your automobile's electrical systems are very much like the nervous system of your car.
Auto Electrical Problems? | Call Your Mechanic Phoenix | 623-849-9392
Auto Electrical Problems? | Call Your Mechanic Phoenix | 623-849-9392

What Makes Up An Electrical System in a Modern Car?

What are the components of your car's electrical system, and how does your car's electrical system work?   From How Cars Work:
"The electrical system of a car is a closed circuit with an independent power source the battery. It operates on a small fraction of the power of a household circuit. Current flows along a single cable from the battery to the component being powered, and back to the battery through the car's metal body. The body is connected to the earth terminal of the battery by a thick cable. This type of circuit is called an earth-return system any part of it connected to the car body is said to be earthed.
The strength of the current is measured in amperes (amps); the pressure that drives it round the circuit is called voltage (volts). Modern cars have a 12 volt battery. Its capacity is measured in amp/hours. A 56 amp/hour battery should be able to deliver a current of 1 amp for 56 hours, or 2 amps for 28 hours. If the battery voltage drops, less current flows, and eventually there is not enough to make the components work." [READ SOURCE ARTICLE]
So remember, that you want to make sure that your battery is in good condition, particularly in Arizona's extreme environment.   Your car battery can literally have the moisture baked out of it, which causes batteries to have a much lower life cycle than batteries in other parts of the US.    As a rule, you have to replace your battery every three years in Arizona.  However, your battery is only one part of your electrical system.  You also have to deal with your alternator as well.

Your Alternator:  Three Strikes

One auto electrical problem you may encounter is only partially connected to your battery.  A lot of times, your alternator can mimic a battery problem.  Sometimes, the way that you can tell is that your alternator will go bad after three or four battery replacements.  Your auto's electrical system is complex.  It could be something as simple as a bad wire, or it could be something more.
Whatever the problem is in your electrical system, unless you know what you are doing, make sure you take your car in if it is acting up.  Your best bet is to get to an auto repair shop in Phoenix.

Transmission Center

4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033

Friday, October 24, 2014

Is It Oil Change Time For Your Car (Contd)

Oil changes are necessary for your car, however, what you don't know is that sometimes, there is a culture of deception regarding oil changes...
Change Your Oil Every 5,000 miles | 623-849-9392
Change Your Oil Every 5,000 miles | 623-849-9392

The 3,000 Mile Oil Change Lie

One of the most stubborn beliefs that people hold onto is the idea that you have to change your oil every 3,000 miles.  This is not even remotely true anymore.  Most automakers nowadays call for oil changes between 5,000- 10,000 miles, and the time frame  can go as high as 15,000 miles in some cars. There is supporting information out there regarding oil changes.  Oil experts, automakers, and mechanics have put out tons of material out there.  With all that information, why do people still believe that they have to change their oil at 3,ooo mile intervals?
Part of the problem is that engines have gotten more and more complex, making them all but incomprehensible to most drivers. Look inside the hood of your car.  There is a bewildering mas of plastic caps, wires, hoses, and printed labels.  And in a lot of cases, some of the access points are covered, leaving the oil cap the only thing that most people can find.   Adding to this issue are people that aren't ethical, such as fly by night auto repair shops.  Looking to make a quick buck, a lot of these places preach the 3,000 mile oil change lie.  Feeling pressured, even normally sharp car owners are changing their oil much more than their service manuals recommend.  And do you know who one of the most guilty culprits is where oil changes are concerned?  Repair shops in auto dealerships.

Go to a Auto Repair Shop You Can Trust

Auto dealer repair shops are great places to get your car repaired...while you're under warranty that is.  With the right warranty coverage, your auto dealer will do backflips and fix almost everything for free.  However, once you pass either your mileage limit, or time limit, that's when you really have to watch out.  Not only will they advocate changing your oil more often than you should, they will most likely charge you way too much for the privilege.  In a lot of cases, car dealer  service departments have been caught by special reports as falsifying the label to indicate the time for your next oil change.
So remember, you're smarter than that.  As such, look over your owner's manual.  That way you will know for sure when it is time for an oil change in Phoenix.

Transmission Center

4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033
623-849-9392Read More 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Is It Oil Change Time For Your Car

Is it time to change your car's oil?  It may be, depending on a lot of different factors...
Get Your Car's Oil Changed | 623-875-9500
Get Your Car's Oil Changed | 623-875-9500

Oil Changes: They Still Need to Happen

Older cars needed a lot of oil changes.  In the olden days, cars needed oil changes every 1,000 miles.  If that doesn't sound like much, consider that if you live in a major metropolitan area such as Phoenix, you can easily put that many miles driving around town and in just a couple of months. Because of changes in lubricant technology, the timetable of oil changes changed to every 3,000 miles, which while an improvement is still a very low number with driving.  Modern cars, however, are currently at or around 5,000 miles.
The real danger that you can run into with oil changes is to believe that because of the changes in technology, you no longer need to change your car's oil.  Wrong! If you don't change your oil, your car's engine will start to work too hard, until finally the oil that is in your engine not only burns off, it loses its viscosity, then instead of shelling out a few bucks for an oil change, you're shelling out thousands for a new engine.  So remember, change your oil every 5,000 miles.  And you have to be careful, because a lot of car makers still propagate the myth that you have to do your oil change at each 3,000 mile mark.

Oil Changes: Don't Be Fooled

Oil technology has changed a lot  in recent years, but a lot of people are still suckered into believing that an oil change has to happen every 3000 miles.  As a result, they are wasting money as well as contributing to environmental problems.  While 5,000 is a good area to shoot for, some cars nowadays can wait until the odometer hits 15,000 miles.  Why are people so easily suckered into getting unnecessary oil changes?  Well, if knowledge is power, than the lack of knowledge would seem to indicate that a person is easily taken advantage of.  Automakers and oil companies know too well that most people never even crack open their owner's manuals. This is a great shame because your owner's manual is a source of incredibly valuable information.  What trips people up is that your owner's manual is not supposed to be read, it is a reference book.
So, don't be deceived. Make sure you get yourself an honest mechanic who knows how often you should change your oil.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382

Friday, October 10, 2014

Transmission Repair in Phoenix: The Sounds, Sights, and Smells of Trouble

How can you tell if you have transmission problems?  Transmissions can exhibit quite a few warning signs...
Get Transmission Repair Phoenix | 623-849-9392
Get Transmission Repair Phoenix | 623-849-9392

The Sounds and Sights of Transmission Problems

First off, let's take sound.  A transmission that is starting to go often will make a grinding or popping sound.  If your vehicle lurches when you accelerate or when you put it into gear, you probably have transmission problems.  You want to make sure that you do a couple of things with this symptom.  First off, check your warranty to see if your transmission is covered.  Some manufacturers have a limited warranty on power trains up until a certain mileage.  The next thing you want to find out is whether or not your auto mechanic can work on your transmission in house, or whether or not he will have to farm it out.  The more your car changes hands, the higher your repair bill will be.  That pretty much covers the sounds a bad transmission will make, but what visual clues are there for transmission problems?
First off check your transmission fluid.  Transmission fluid should be reddish in color.  If your transmission fluid is dark to the point of being black, it may be time to have your transmission serviced.  If you also notice any drips of transmission fluid on your carport or your garage it could mean that you have a broken seal somewhere.  Unlike motor oil, transmission fluid should stay about the same level.  If you find that your transmission fluid is low, it is a sign of a leak somewhere.  That covers the sights of transmission problems, but what about the smell?

Transmission Issues:  You Can Sometimes Tell by the Smell

Transmission fluid has a sickly sweet smell, and as such, that is what it should smell like when you check your transmission fluid.  If, on the other hand it smells burnt, and appears dark, you probably have a problem in your transmission somewhere.  So remember, that transmission repair is based on a combination of sights, sounds, and smells.  Regardless of how you determine that there is something up with your transmission, you don't want to delay on getting it fixed.
The longer you ignore a transmission problem, the worse it will get.  Sooner or later, your car is just going to break down, and transmission repairs are not cheap as a rule.  So remember, take care of your car.  Look, listen, and take a whiff.  And get your car into a transmission repair shop in Phoenix.
To read more about this subject, please click here.
Transmission Center
4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033
Contact Us

Friday, October 3, 2014

Auto Repair: Some Final Thoughts to Ponder

There are some final things to consider about finding an auto repair shop.  Even though it may sound complex it is actually quite simple really.
Find an Auto Repair Mechanic that You Can Trust
Find an Auto Repair Mechanic that You Can Trust | 623-849-9392

Auto Repair in Phoenix AZ: Play Nice

In addition to reviews and certifications, another thing to look forward to in a mechanic is their basic people skills.  Customer service or soft skills is one of those qualifications that can't be emphasized enough.  Let's face it.  Unless you're going in for a scheduled maintenance job, when your car isn't working, you are probably stressed out.  The last thing you need is a surly or hostile mechanic, or worse yet, one who is condescending regarding your situation.  There are certain universal service skills that even a mechanic should have when dealing with customers.
Without these skills in place, the shop in question is a primary target for a bad online review at least, but more importantly, they will start to lose customers.

First off, an auto mechanic should listen to what the problem is, or the reason you are in the shop to begin with.  If you are in there for scheduled maintenance,  you're going to have a different set of requirements than someone who is coming in with problems with their engine.  There is an art to listening.  First off, patience is key.  

Patience, Knowledge, and Time:  Skills of a Good Mechanic

Let's take a look at a visit to an auto repair shop.  If the guy behind the counter is rude and interrupts you before you can tell him what the problem is,  then you're probably going to make a mental note of it.  It's important to provide great service, not just fast service.  Good customer service means attentiveness and competence, not "take a number and stand in line."  It also means that even in the case of a busy repair day, the guy behind the counter should greet you when you come in.  That's just good manners. The final thing to consider is the most precious commodity we all have:  our time.  That's why a mechanic should do your repair in a timely manner and not "when he gets to it."  You also want the repair done right in one visit.  A bad mechanic will make you come back again and again for a repair that should have been done all at once.
So remember, when it's time to find someone to work on your car, do a bit of research and trust your feelings. Then you know you not only have a mechanic, you have a mechanic that you can trust.
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Transmission Center
4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033

Friday, September 26, 2014

Auto Repair: Reputation Matters

There are some final things to consider about finding an auto repair shop.  Even though it may sound complex it is actually quite simple really.
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Find an Auto Repair Mechanic that You Can Trust | 623-849-9392

Auto Repair in Phoenix AZ: Play Nice

In addition to reviews and certifications, another thing to look forward to in a mechanic is their basic people skills.  Customer service or soft skills is one of those qualifications that can't be emphasized enough.  Let's face it.  Unless you're going in for a scheduled maintenance job, when your car isn't working, you are probably stressed out.  The last thing you need is a surly or hostile mechanic, or worse yet, one who is condescending regarding your situation.  There are certain universal service skills that even a mechanic should have when dealing with customers.
Without these skills in place, the shop in question is a primary target for a bad online review at least, but more importantly, they will start to lose customers.  First off, an auto mechanic should listen to what the problem is, or the reason you are in the shop to begin with.  If you are in there for scheduled maintenance,  you're going to have a different set of requirements than someone who is coming in with problems with their engine.  There is an art to listening.  First off, patience is key.

Patience, Knowledge, and Time:  Skills of a Good Mechanic

Let's take a look at a visit to an auto repair shop.  If the guy behind the counter is rude and interrupts you before you can tell him what the problem is,  then you're probably going to make a mental note of it.  It's important to provide great service, not just fast service.  Good customer service means attentiveness and competence, not "take a number and stand in line."  It also means that even in the case of a busy repair day, the guy behind the counter should greet you when you come in.  That's just good manners. The final thing to consider is the most precious commodity we all have:  our time.  That's why a mechanic should do your repair in a timely manner and not "when he gets to it."  You also want the repair done right in one visit.  A bad mechanic will make you come back again and again for a repair that should have been done all at once.
So remember, when it's time to find someone to work on your car, do a bit of research and trust your feelings. Then you know you not only have a mechanic, you have a mechanic that you can trust.

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Transmission Center
4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033

Friday, September 19, 2014

Auto Repair: The More Knowledge the Better

If you need auto repair in Phoenix, how much should your mechanic know? This isn't a trick question. The obvious answer is "how to fix a car." However, some mechanics are better than others.
Get auto repair in Phoenix | 623-849-9392
Get auto repair in Phoenix | 623-849-9392

Transmission Repair and Your Mechanic

If your transmission's acting up, what a lot of people don't know is that a lot of mechanics don't have the knowledge base to work on them, and oftentimes the shop has to 'farm' the transmission repair out to a shop that specializes in power train work.  That's why it is a good idea to check out the shop you're thinking of taking your car to before you have a problem.  Why?  Well, for one thing your repair may end up costing a lot more.
If a mechanic has to send a part out to another shop to be fixed, you're going to most likely see something on your repair invoice that is a transit fee or transportation fee.  If it isn't there, a lot of times, you will find that you may be paying a higher labor charge than you thought.  Remember, the more something changes hands, the more it is going to cost you, even in the field of auto repair.

Do Certifications Matter Where Auto Mechanics Are Concerned?

A lot of times people don't know what it means when a mechanic is certified.  Are all certifications the same?  Absolutely not.  If a certification is to be valid, it should be from a recognized leader in the industry.  You want to look for a certified mechanic that was awarded their certification from an accrediting body such as the ATI, ASE, or directly from the manufacturers themselves.  So if you see that they have certifications from automakers such as Ford, GMC, Toyota, and Nissan, then they should definitely be put on the list of mechanics to consider.
You want to make sure that you find a mechanic that you can trust as well.  Look at their reviews online.  You want to look for honest reviews about the shop in question,   As to how you can spot honest reviews and not ones that are bogus, look for stories regarding the shop in question.  If the review tells how a mechanic handled a particular repair, and what sort of job they did, you most likely have an honest review.  This is a practical step if you want to know how to find an auto repair shop in Phoenix.
Transmission Center
4020 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85033

Friday, September 12, 2014

Transmission Repair in Glendale, AZ: The Signs of Trouble...

How can you tell if your transmission's going out?  Well, there are certain symptoms to look out for in a bad transmission.

Transmission Problems You May See

If you need Transmission Repair in Glendale, Call us Today 623-875-9500
If you need Transmission Repair in Glendale, Call us Today 623-875-9500
First off, let's start simple. Check your transmission fluid  twice a year. If your transmission fluid's too low, your car will not not shift properly, which can in turn lead to damage to the transmission, it indicates that you more than likely have a leak somewhere in the assembly. Transmission fluid, unlike oil stays fairly static in it's level. Transmission leaks are easy to spot. Transmission fluid is reddish in color and has a sickly sweet smell.
Looking for transmission leaks is surprisingly easy. Your automatic transmission has only a few places where leaks can happen. The places that a transmission leak can happen are at the drain hole underneath the case, between the transmission and the engine, the selector shaft, and the speed sensor mount. However, if your fluid is not the problem, then it may be your transmission filter.

Transmission Filters

How can you tell if  your transmission filter is clogged? A clogged transmission filter will exhibit itself by your transmission behaving sluggish and hard to shift.  And you want to make sure that this potential problem is explored.  Some less than scrupulous mechanics may recommend a transmission replacement or installing a rebuilt transmission.  However, if you have your mechanic check your transmission filter before going anything more expensive, you may end up with a much smaller repair bill.  But can you do it on your own?
If you learn nothing else from this article, know this:  transmissions are complex pieces of equipment.  If you don't know what you're doing, and don't have the proper tools, you could end up causing even more damage to the unit than what's already there. In addition to the rather steep learning curve, buying all the tools you're going to need to fix a transmission in addition to the parts are going to set you back as much if not more than simply going into your local repair shop.
So remember, a little knowledge can help you. Conversely, if you have just enough knowledge to be dangerous, you're going to end up shelling out a lot of money in the long run when you have to take your car in.  Your best bet?  Call a transmission repair shop in Glendale, AZ.
Transmission Center
8882 W Bell Rd
Peoria, AZ 85382