Friday, December 26, 2014

Clutch Repair and Your Car or Truck

There is a big difference between a manual transmission and an automatic transmission.  While both types of vehicles need repair sooner or later, not every car needs clutch repair.  
If you need Auto  Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500
If you need Auto Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500

Who Needs Clutch Repair?

Who needs clutch repair?   Well, not all vehicles need it for sure.  While they're not that common, there are still vehicles that are made with a manual transmission.  Europeans love them for example, and over there, it is a lot rarer to find an automatic than a a manual.  Clutches are found on vehicles that do not have an automatic transmission, obviously. A lot of people assume that automatic transmissions are in each and every car around, but they're not. Look at sports cars by way of example. A lot of sports cars have clutches instead of automatic transmissions.
What is the way to  tell if your car has a clutch?  Simple. take a look at your gear shift. A manual transmission except for park and reverse is all numeric.  An automatic transmission, however, has an alphanumeric sequence.  You'll see automatic transmissions with labels such as P (Park), R (Reverse), D (Drive), 1( 1st Gear) and so on.. Still in doubt?  Count your pedals. A car with automatic transmission will have only two pedals on the floor, namely the gas pedal and the brake.  A car with manual transmission or a clutch will  have three pedals, the left most of which is your clutch.  Yet another way to tell is the position of the gear shift.  You will never see a manual transmission mounted on a steering wheel.  Other than how they're labeled, how many pedals they have, and where the gear shift is, what's the difference between them?  

What's the Difference in Transmissions?

An automatic transmission is well, automatic. You only shift gears very infrequently.   A manual transmission, on the other hand, requires you to shift a lot more.  For example, if you're increasing your speed, unless you've already reached fourth gear requires you to shift gears as you speed up, and again when you slow down.  A good way to remember it is CSR, which stands for Clutch, Shift, and Release.  If you have a car with a manual transmission, you press the clutch pedal down, shift gears, and then release your clutch.  
If you have a clutch, take care of it.  Get it in to a shop that does clutch repair in Peoria.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
More Info

Friday, December 19, 2014

Auto Repair Tips for Older Cars (Contd.)

Here are some more auto repair tips, particularly where saving gasoline is concerned.
If you need Auto  Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500
If you need Auto Repair in Peoria , Call us Today 623-875-9500

Gas Saving Auto Repair Tips

As your auto repair shop in Peoria, we thought you might like to save a bit of cash this holiday season.  And what costs a lot, even with recent price drops?  Why gasoline of course.
First off, as we covered in a previous article, never let your low fuel light come on.  You can potentially cause a lot of damage to your fuel pump.  But back to saving gas. With that in mind, here are some more gas saving tips from ASE.COM:
"Observe speed limits. Speeding decreases your miles per gallon.
Drive gently. Sudden accelerations guzzle gas. Anticipate traffic patterns ahead and adjust your speed gradually.
Use windows and air conditioning wisely. Your mileage should improve if you keep the windows closed at highway speeds, since air drag is reduced. This is true even with the air conditioning on-assuming that the system is in good working order. But turn the air conditioning off in stop-and-go traffic to save fuel.
Keep your engine "tuned up." A well-maintained engine operates at peak efficiency, maximizing gas mileage. Follow the service schedules listed in the owner's manual. Replace filters and fluids as recommended; have engine performance problems (rough idling, poor acceleration, etc.) corrected at a repair facility. Given today's high-tech engines, it's wise to have this type of work done by auto technicians who are ASE certified in engine performance.
These conservation tips will not only save gasoline, they'll help extend the life of your vehicle. Win-win, indeed." [READ SOURCE]
This holiday season, we also want to advise you to use caution.   People get distracted and are often in a hurry.  As a result, there are a lot of traffic accidents on the road this time of year. Stay safe for yourself and for your loved ones.  On the issue of safety, there is a repair that you should consider doing at certain mile marks

Brake Repair and Your Car

You want to make sure you get your brakes looked at every 5,000 miles or so.  You do not want to wear your brakes down to the point that they are grinding, because what could have been a $99 brake job may end up costing you  several hundred dollars in repair costs, and down time for your car.
So remember stay safe and be smart.  Get your car serviced per your owner's manual.  And from your auto repair shop in Peoria, have a save and happy holiday season. 

Transmission Center

8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Auto Repair Peoria

Friday, December 12, 2014

Auto Repair Tips for Older Cars

A lot of people have new or newer model cars in need of auto repair, but what about older vehicles?
Get auto repair in Peoria AZ | 623-875-9500
Get auto repair in Peoria AZ | 623-875-9500

Auto Repair Myths and Tips

There is a myth floating around that if a cold has a lot of miles on it that it is not as good as a newer model car.  That isn't the case however, or more accurately it all depends on the car or truck in question.  For example, some Japanese cars such as Toyotas and Nissans don't even hit their stride until about 100,000 miles.  There are older model Toyotas and Nissans still on the road today that were new in the 1970's, and with well over a million miles on them. Ultimately, a car's actual mileage only matters with how well it's been maintained.  A car that has had scheduled auto service done on it like clockwork can easily outlast a newer car that the owner was lax about maintenance.  That's why scheduled auto maintenance is so incredibly important.
As we covered in a previous article, every car has a set series of steps that you have to take to keep them maintained.  Oil changes every 5,000 miles, batteries in Arizona: every three years, and so forth. However, it isn't just mileage marks you want to take note of.  Every now and then, check the tread on your tires.  If your tread is wearing thin,  you want to replace your tires before they are bald.  A bald tire is one that has the tread worn down to being non-existent.  You also want to make sure that you top off the air in your tires to make sure they're inflated to the proper PSI. Get yourself a tire gauge.  They're not too much money, and sometimes can even be found at a dollar store.   But what about auto repair tips?

Auto Repair Tips

From the Automotive Service Excellence web page, here are some tips to save some gas:
Monitor tires. Under inflated tires or poorly aligned wheels waste fuel by forcing the engine to work harder. (Let the tires cool down before checking the air pressure.) Out-of-line wheels, as evidenced by uneven tread wear, should be aligned by a professional.
Remove excess weight. Remove unnecessary items from the vehicle. Store only essentials in the trunk. Less weight means better mileage.
Consolidate trips and errands. Some trips may be unnecessary. Also, try to travel when traffic is light so you can avoid stop-and-go conditions.
Avoid excessive idling. Shut off the engine while waiting for friends and family.  [READ MORE]
So remember, your car has needs, just like you do.  So keep up your maintenance schedule, and get into an auto repair shop in Peoria, AZ to do it.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Auto Repair Peoria

Friday, December 5, 2014

Mileage Markers and Your Auto Repair Shop

There are several points in the life of your car that you should be getting into an auto repair shop.  When is that?  Well, you need to open a book that most people never even crack: their car or truck's owner's manual.
Get auto repair in Phoenix | 623-875-9500
Get auto repair in Peoria  | 623-875-9500

What Are Typical Mile Markers for Auto Repair?

What are typical mile markers for auto repair?  First off, always remember, that mile markers vary between makes and models of cars.  When in doubt, consult your owner's manual.
For example, every 5,000 miles, you want to get an oil change done.  This is the most common form of service for pretty much every car.  Changing your oil every 5,000 miles is vital  for keeping the parts of your engine lubricated and working together perfectly.  You also want to check your tires as well as your brakes every 5,000 miles as well.  While it is important to check these based on your mileage, with Arizona, there is a repair that is tied to time as opposed to mileage, however.
You want to change your car battery every three years.  The extreme environment of Arizona can literally bake the moisture right out of your battery.  The next mile marker is at 30,000 miles.

Scheduled Auto Service:  30,000 Miles and More

What happens at your 30,000 miles?  Well, you want to look at getting a tune up.  It's also a great time to have your belts and hoses checked, as well as replacing your car or truck's fluids.  At 50,000 miles, you want to have your shock and struts looked at, as well as the seals.  At 60,000 miles it is time to replace your car's timing belts replaced.  70,000 miles is time to replace your water pump as well as your fuel pump.  On the subject of fuel pumps, make sure that you don't let your car's low fuel light come in.  Make sure to put gasoline in your car before this light comes on.  The more you delay getting gas the more likely you are to damage your fuel pump.  You want to be diligent on your maintenance schedule.
While we hope that this guide is helpful to you, again, don't count on it 100%.  Instead, you want to look over your car or truck's manual to see your manufacturer's timeline.  Another thing that you want to think about is that scheduled auto maintenance is usually not as expensive as a full blown auto repair.
Transmission Center
8882 W. Bell Rd.
Peoria, AZ 85382
Auto Repair Peoria